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Managing your card program

Using the dashboard

The Dashboard is your console to navigate the Apto Platform. In addition to starting testing in sandbox, activating your account, and customizing your Green Program, the Dashboard is your tool to monitor and support ongoing card program activity.

Monitoring card details, transactions, and Funding Account

The Overview section of the Dashboard shows the number of cards issued, cumulative transaction volume, and your interchange revenue. You have the ability to display information across different time frames.

The Users section displays all of your users who have interacted with your program. You can see a listing of your users, including their name, email, sign-up date, and KYC status. Selecting a particular user record reveals the full user details including balance, address, non-PCI card information, and recent transactions. From here, you can select Load funds to transfer funds from your Funding Account to their Apto card account.

The Transactions section displays all of the transactions made using the cards issued by your program. You can see a listing of transactions, each with an associated merchant, transaction ID, card, amount, date and status.

In the Accounts section of Settings, you’ll see overviews of your developer accounts:

  • Funding Account - Funds for you to add to cardholder accounts
  • Revenue Account - Funds generated by cardholder transactions
  • Billing Account - Funds to cover transaction fees and pay for card issuance

To see payment records associated with these developer accounts, navigate to Settings > Payments.

All of this movement and activity is also captured in Apto’s reports, which you can retrieve via the Core API.

Available reports

You can use the /reports Core API endpoints to retrieve standardized reports for a specified date. Reports give you access to your datasets so you can merge extracts with your BI tool to perform analytics and better manage your card program.

Apto provides the following reports:

  • Cards created
    • Example data points include: card ID, when the card was shipped, when the card was activated, whether the card has digital wallet capabilities enabled
  • Users created
    • Example data points include: user ID, KYC status, last login, and last updated
  • Transactions settled
    • Example data points include: transaction type, transaction status, whether the transaction is ecommerce, and whether the transaction was card present

To retrieve a report:

  1. Submit a POST request to the relevant API endpoint.
  2. Take the report_id from the response and submit a GET request to the /reports/{report_id} endpoint.
  3. Download the report in CSV format from the download_url in the response. For security reasons, the download URL is valid for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the download URL becomes invalid and you must submit another request to download the report.

For example, to retrieve a report of all transactions that settled on February 24, 2021:

  1. Submit a POST request to The response includes a report_id, such as report_910fe5861e6be602.
  2. Submit a GET request to
  3. Download the report in CSV format from the download_url in the response, such as

A report can take a few seconds to generate, and returns a Pending status while it is being generated.

Assembling your team

Apto is committed to making your card program experience a team endeavor. The best way to get started is for one person on your team to sign up for the Developer Portal, and then subsequently invite other team members to that account. The quickest way to add people to your team is to select your company name in the top left corner, which slides out a panel with an invitation link. You can use the “Invite team member“ modal to send invitation emails.

You can also add team members by navigating to Settings > Members and selecting the Invite button. This opens the same “Invite team member“ modal.

Team roles

Team members have one the following roles:


By default, you are the owner of any company accounts that you create. The owner has full control over the account, including the ability to add and remove admins. Only the current owner of an Apto account can transfer ownership to another person.


Admins have the same level of access as the account owner and can view and create API keys, change account settings, invite new users, etc. Admins cannot delete or make changes to the account owner.

Moving between Apto accounts

You can belong to multiple teams and can switch between them easily. To switch between accounts, select your company name in the top left corner, which slides out a panel where you can see all teams where you currently have membership. Then select Switch to open that team’s dashboard.

Cardholder support

Apto provides all cardholder support for Green Programs. Support is offered through phone or email. Cardholders can also complete many actions themselves using our SDKs, such as blocking and unblocking their cards.

If you want to support your cardholders directly, please set up one of our Blue or Orange Programs.

Getting help by phone

Cardholders can call the customer service phone number provided on the back of the card. The number is for Apto’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. If the cardholder reports a lost, stolen, or compromised card, we close it immediately. Please note - this phone number (+ 1-855-459-0326) should be displayed on your website and within your cardholder applications.

Getting help through email

Cardholders can reach Apto cardholder support by email at with any questions or requests. An email report of a lost, stolen, or compromised card is treated as critical and the card is closed as soon as the support agent handles the report.

Cardholder support hours

Apto’s support hours are Monday through Friday, from 8am-5pm PST, excluding U.S. national holidays. We acknowledge all customer service requests within one business day. Additionally, the IVR phone system and in-app support are automated and can provide some services immediately, such as closing a lost, stolen, or compromised card.

Getting help in-app

When you use mobile SDK, if a cardholder suspects that a card has been lost, stolen, or compromised, they can deactivate the card. This puts a temporary block on card transactions. The cardholder can also use the SDK to confirm that the card is in fact lost, stolen, or compromised, and permanently close the card.